
The important goals of Aspire extracurricular activities program are to give learners direction in developing specialized skills and talents, leadership, teamwork and opportunities to participate in fun activities.

Participating in extracurricular activities is considered an extension of, but separate from the regular classroom activities.

To this end, participants in clubs and organisations are subject to rules and behaviour standards of AEC.

Maths & Science Club

This club provides opportunities to develop science and maths concepts through experimentation and to meet learners from other schools with an interest in maths and science. Membership is Open to all learners. There is membership fee.

The club will review features of creative prose, poetry and artworks. Membership is Open to all learners with an interest in Literary or art Publications. There is membership fee.

Debating Club

Art Club

Participants will work on variety of art projects throughout the year. Several forms of art will be experienced. It is Open to any learner that has an interest in art. There is membership fee.

French club members help to maintain interest in the French culture and language. Membership is open to all learner. No membership fee.

French Club

Special Skills/ Talent Improvement Clubs

Participants will have the option to choose from variety of instruments and specific skill(s) to be developed. Membership is open to learners who can afford to pay fully for the training in the chosen skill(s) or talent. It’s strictly fee paying.

Clubs in this category include;

  1. Robotics/Technology Farm
  2. Music Club
  3. School Cadet (Infantry Cadet)
Creative Art, Music and Drama Room
Learners acting the birth of Jesus